ABOUT UScarte-2

European Federation of Retail Perfumers (FEPD)
is the umbrella organisation of the national European federations and organisations in the perfumery retail trade.

As well as the national federations, members include those international retail trade groups within the perfumery industry which are active in at least four European countries.

When it was founded in 1960 the FEPD was one of the first federations in the retail trade in Europe. It sees itself as the voice of the European perfumery retail trade and represents the interests of its members at a European level.

Owing to the increased internationalisation of manufacturers, distributors and retail trade companies and the increasing importance of European institutions and European law many problems of the retail trade can no longer be discussed and solved on a purely national scale.



Further areas are:fepd_wien

  • to defend the selective distribution system
  • to prevent and work against any discrimination in national markets
  • to promote good relations with the head offices of the international brands
  • to consolidate and intensify the contacts to the European Commission and European institutions
  • to create a European qualification framework for the perfumery retail trade

Another of its main tasks is to facilitate the exchange of information between the national member organisations and to provide up-to-date information on new developments in the industry.



European Federation of Retail Perfumers – Challenges facing the perfumery sector: The Presidential Council of the European Federation of Retail Perfumers – FEPD – met in Vienna on Saturday the 4th of November. The core issue for the meeting was the harmonisation of European professional training in the perfumery sector. In addition, the delegates discussed current market developments as well as the aspects of potential further development of selective distribution.

Read the press release
Read the post on epcnews.eu


The European Federation of perfumery retailers elected a new president and presidential council for the next legislative period of two years. William G. Koeberlé was re-elected to president of the FEPD. Michelangelo Liuni, FENAPRO, Italy, will be new between the three vice presidents.

Read the press release


William G. Koeberlé, President of the FFPS and FEPD was elected Chairman of the Board of Trade of France (FPS) at the General Assembly held June 7, 2016.

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Selective Perfumery: “The digital is part of the job,” William Koeberlé, chairman of the FFPS and FEPD

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Conference-Debate “Selective perfumery face market trends: the Internet challenge

Read the press release



GROUPE BOGART annonce l’acquisition du Groupe Distriplus. Groupe Bogart (Euronext Paris – Compartiment B – FR0012872141 – JBOG), spécialisé dans la création, la fabrication et la commercialisation de parfums et de produits cosmétiques de luxe, annonce avoir conclu la signature d’un protocole d’accord en vue de l’acquisition de 100% du capital du Groupe Distriplus, 2ème acteur de la distribution de parfums et cosmétiques sur le territoire belge. Cette acquisition, reste soumise à la levée de conditions suspensives. Les modalités définitives de l’opération feront l’objet d’une communication ultérieure dès la finalisation de l’acquisition prévue d’ici quelques semaines.

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Douglas acquiring Bodybell – leading perfumery chain in Spain. Douglas, the leading European retailer in the selective beauty market, significantly expands its operations in Spain. The company has signed an agreement with a group of financial investors led by H.I.G. Bayside Capital, the credit affiliate of H.I.G. Capital (“H.I.G.”), about the acquisition of Grupo Bodybell. With more than 200 stores, two online shops and an established logistics platform, Madrid-based Grupo Bodybell is one of the leading Spanish perfumery chains.

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The self-perception and self-esteem of adolescents and young adults: An in-depth psychological-representative study from rheingold salon compiled for IKW – German Cosmetic, Toiletry, Perfumery and Detergent Association
Young people are currently not only struggling with uncertainties due to unusual mood swings and burgeoning sexuality. On a social and familial level, they likewise experience sort of a loss of control. The adolescents try to counter this basic feeling of insecurity by their very own strategy: they attach increasing value to their appearance.

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Parkod is an information service for the selective perfumery retail trade. The database currently includes around 75,000 articles from more than 600 brands. The data is used in Europe in about 900 sales outlets in France, Belgium, Italy and the Netherlands. You can reach the provider’s website by clicking on the logo.




    Federation Européenne des Parfumeurs Détaillants
    Secrétariat Général
    Kaiserstrasse 42a
    40479 Düsseldorf
    Phone : ++49 (0)211 301818-80
    Fax : ++49 (0)211 301818-99
    Fédération Française de la Parfumerie Sélective
    Siège social
    8, rue de la Terrasse
    75017 Paris
    Phone : +331 40 54 70 62
    Kaiserstraße 42a

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    Kaiserstraße 42a 51.231451, 6.780539